Monday News Rodeo: Dolly Parton, TSU, and Cow Tip-over October 16, 2017October 16, 2017Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments You probably heard about Friday’s accident on Briley Parkway involving an overturned truck and a bunch of cows walking around loose. Well, two [...]
Monday News Rodeo: VR Arcades, Renegade Golf Taxis, and Therapy Horses July 31, 2017August 7, 2017Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Mayor Megan Barry and her family following the death of her only son in Denver this weekend. [...]
Monday News Rodeo: Hourly Motel Ban, Illegal Drones, and Protest Tractors July 10, 2017July 10, 2017Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments A cyclist was hit by a passing vehicle on the Natchez Trace Parkway and it was caught on tape, and it’s every bit as [...]
We Attempt to Name Nashville’s Proposed Major League Soccer Team January 27, 2017January 26, 2017Lance Conzett 3 Comments Mayor Megan Barry set her sights on building a professional soccer stadium at the Fairgrounds today, which would lay the groundwork for bringing a Major [...]
Monday News Rodeo: January 16th, 2017 January 16, 2017January 15, 2017Christy Frink 0 Comments If you’ve bought milk in Tennessee since 2003, you can hop in on this class-action lawsuit and get anywhere from $45-70 back. There has [...]
Happy Hour: Ducks In A Row June 23, 2010Christy Frink 0 Comments Did anyone get anything done today? Be honest. [WKRN] Thanks to everyone who filled out their census forms this year! We’ve now been [...]
Bright & Early: Happy Birthday, Al Gore Edition March 31, 2009Christy Frink 1 Comment Good morning, Nashville. We were trying to ignore the whole Al Gore Earth Hour saga, but in honor of his birthday today, we’ll [...]