Happy Hour: Why So Blue? October 27, 2008Christy Frink 4 Comments Congratulations, Nashville! We broke our own early voting record and may end up having our biggest turnout ever on election day. [WSMV] And [...]
Happy Hour: Bring Back The Hanging Chads October 23, 2008Christy Frink 1 Comment Williamson County is gloating about how their early elections have gone on without a hitch, and they can’t figure out why we’re having [...]
Happy Hour: Someone Get The Hook October 17, 2008Christy Frink 0 Comments What better way to cap off the week than to talk about John Rich’s latest episode of John Rich-ish behavior? This time, it’s [...]
Bright & Early: See You At The Polls August 7, 2008Christy Frink 1 Comment Good morning, Nashville. Today’s primary kicks off what’s sure to be an eventful election season all around. For a list of the primaries [...]