Happy Hour: Common Trouble

  • A study by the Brookings Institution found that poverty in Nashville is growing at a rate about five times that of the national average. [City Paper]
  • Oh yes, and we forgot to talk about the old-convention-center-soon-to-be-turned-medical-mart this morning. [WKRN]
  • Titans center Kevin Mawae traveled to DC to speak before Congress today about some labor disputes going on in pro football. Unfortunately we’re not sports-literate enough to be able to decipher what all the fuss is about. [City Paper]
  • Batten down the hatches, because that Twilight convention is happening next week. We recommend tracing a 10-mile radius around Opryland and staying outside of it. [WSMV]
  • Despite the sad state of the economy, many of Nashville’s major attractions seem to be doing just fine. [City Paper]
  • People in Knoxville are so angry at Lane Kiffin that they want to name a sewage plant after him. Ouch! [Pith In The Wind]

Photo by jodestick.