Give Ma The Gift Of Milk This Mother’s Day

Does anyone remember the Got Milk? Moustache Mobile Tour hitting Nashville last year? Yeah, we don’t remember it either. This year, word on the street is that it’s going to be a little more memorable. Nominations are being accepted for Nashville’s Chief Health Officer, a.k.a. good ol’ mom.

To mom-inate a worthy mother in the Chief Health Officer Contest, record a 30-second “mom-ination” video explaining why their mom – or a mom they know – is Nashville’s Chief Health Officer.

Nashville’s Chief Health Officer will then have a chance to be crowned America’s Chief Health Officer and receive the chance to appear in her very own Milk Mustache ad, a year supply of milk, a three month membership to Curves International and a year subscription to “Redbook” magazine. And as an added bonus, you can also enter into our Chief Health Officer sweepstakes, which also will reward a mom a $100,000 salary she “richly” deserves! [The Murfreesboro Post]

The Got Milk? Moustache Mobile Tour will be rolling through Nashville and surrounding areas the week of May 19. Planned stops include a Grand Kick-Off Event at Legislative Plaza (5/19, 11am-2pm), Thornton’s #602 (5/20, 5-7pm), Kroger (5/21, 5-7pm), Piggly Wiggly – Before you get excited, this one is just over the border in Franklin, KY – (5/22, 5-7pm), and the grand finale is at Curves in Green Hills (5/23, 4-6pm). Events promise us free milk samples, moustache photos, and prizes from something called the “Milk Spin To Win Wheel.” Sounds moo-velous.
Our (admittedly shady) source is Craigslist.

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