Monday News Rodeo: #SaferAtHome, Beer Delivery, and Y’all PLEASE Stay Home March 23, 2020March 23, 2020Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced the “Safer at Home Order” Sunday morning, officially issued by the Chief Medical Officer for the Metro Department [...]
Thursday News Rodeo: Titans in Playoffs, Rude City, and a Year in Memes January 2, 2020January 5, 2020Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Y’all be careful out there, with flooding possible because of the heavy rains predicted throughout the day. A handful of new laws took [...]
Thursday News Rodeo: Misplaced Airplane, Wrapped Weed, and a Bowling Alley Music Venue December 19, 2019December 19, 2019Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments It’s a real shame that the “Boner Awards” were last week, as a commissioner on the Metro-Nashville Authority Airport Board reported his personal [...]
Thursday News Rodeo: Mayoral Candidates, Cell Phone Towers and an Expensive Typo March 14, 2019Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Former mayoral candidate and owner of the Nashville Scene Bill Freeman says that he will not run for mayor later this year, ending [...]
Thursday News Rodeo: Casey Moreland, Bird Deferred, and a Tyre HQ July 5, 2018July 5, 2018Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments If your dogs and cats are still a little skittish after last night’s fireworks (let’s be real, there will still be fireworks going [...]
FOOD STUFF: April Restaurant Hellos and Goodbyes + Upcoming Events May 1, 2017April 30, 2017Lesley Lassiter 0 Comments Say Hello! The Mainstay is the latest attempt at a restaurant in the bottom floor of the Fifth and Main building on the [...]
FOOD STUFF: February Restaurant Hellos and Goodbyes March 1, 2017March 1, 2017Lesley Lassiter 0 Comments Looking for a new place to grab a bite or a beer (or both)? These restaurants opened (or re-opened) in Nashville in February. [...]