Good morning, Nashville. After one of the most beautiful weekends on record this year, a nasty cold front is expected to sweep through the midstate this afternoon, bringing plenty of severe weather with it. Storms containing damaging winds, up to two inches of rain, large hail and the threat of tornadoes should roll into the area around noon, though we may see a few pop up this morning. Weather experts say that this is one of the best chances for severe weather they’ve seen this season, so keep an ear out for alerts and make sure you’ve got a plan for seeking shelter in the event of a tornado.
- Metro teacher retention low. Statistics show that nearly 40% of all Metro teachers either take jobs in other districts or quit teaching altogether within the first five years of teaching. Though some think it has something to do with salaries, the starting pay for Metro teachers is actually higher than Williamson County, which has much better luck retaining educators. Director Jesse Register has been trying to improve retention rates through a series of new programs that include financial incentives and better leadership opportunities.
- Nash Vegas. Half of Nashville headed to Vegas last night for the Academy of Country Music Awards last night. Taylor Swift took home the coveted entertainer of the year recognition while Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Sugarland and Brad Paisley pretty much cleaned up the rest of the categories.
- Bits & pieces. Tennessee may create an animal abuser registry, much like we have a sex offender registry … Nashville-area businesses both large and small are feeling the impact of Japan’s catastrophe … Though Nashville’s hispanic population has grown by 134% in the past 10 years, most are not registered voters … The teen summer job market looks even more abysmal than the regular job market … A federal government shutdown could cost Tennessee (and the rest of the country) a lot of jobs and money.
Photo by Eva Maria.
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