- Metro Council is considering banning us from keeping chickens in our yards unless our yards happen to be 5 acres. And donkeys, and horses, and geese, and peafowl (we had to look this one up, but it’s refering to peacocks), and pigs also. [Tennessean]
- At least one engineering expert is calling shenanigans on the TVA report on why the Kingston ash spill happened, saying that “it ain’t rocket science,” and that it’s a simple case of a dike that burst. [Tennessean]
- While all of the Steve McNair hoopla was going on, Sahel Kazemi was buried in Florida today with a ceremony of about 30 friends and family. [WKRN]
- I-40 West will be shut down near downtown this weekend and rerouted through I-440 or I-24. [Tennessean]
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