- Metro Police have ruled Steve McNair and Sahel Kazemi’s deaths as a murder-suicide. Lots of other details were explained in the 20-minute press conference this afternoon, which you can watch online. [WKRN]
- Some folks woke up to a really unfortunate mistake on the front page of the Tennessean’s Davidson County weekly paper this morning. The paper, dated today, features a story and interview with McNair about his new restaurant and future plans to open more of them. According to the Tennessean, the edition was reprinted after McNair’s murder, but a few of the retracted copies were distributed by mistake. [TwitPic]
- Sergeant Mark Chesnut, the officer injured last month in a shooting on I-40, has been sitting up and walking around. Though he’s got a long way to go, we’re happy to hear that he’s on the mend. [WTVF]
- Franklin police are on the lookout for a guy they’re calling the Beer Burglar because he breaks into supermarkets and steels beer. Help keep Franklin’s beer safe and let them know if you’ve got any tips. [Tennessean]
- As if this week could get any sadder, that baby elephant at the Memphis Zoo we were raving about earlier this week was accidentally killed by its mother today. 🙁 [WSMV]
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