Thursday News Rodeo: Banding Together, Mask Protests and Purple Martins August 12, 2021August 12, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments A man was shot and killed after police say he left his vehicle and charged at officers with a knife early Wednesday morning. [...]
Monday News Rodeo: Soaked Baggage, Trademarks, and Woo-sic City August 6, 2017August 7, 2017Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments So, apparently the word “pedal tavern” is trademarked, and we are supposed to stop using it unless referring to Nashville Pedal Tavern LLC’s [...]
Happy Hour: No Touching, No Touching! June 10, 2009Christy Frink 2 Comments Some of you were all a-twitter this morning about a power outage in Cool Springs and Brentwood. The culprit? Some birds playing a [...]