- Our fancy new gun laws are turning some heads around the country, most importantly the handsome head of Stephen Colbert. [Eric Shuff]
- The guy who was arrested in McMinn County for wandering around with 40 pairs of panties shoved in his pants is–get this–embarrassed! That’s right, he took two days off of work because he was so embarrassed. He even ended up being featured on whatacreep.com which we did not know existed until just now. Anyway, he explained that it was just a drunken prank and he was going to return the panties in the morning by tossing them in the owner’s tree. Of course. [Tennessean]
- No matter what you hear, Al Gore’s daughter is not running for Congress. [In Session]
- Tennessee’s unemployment rate only rose 0.1% in June to 10.8%. Maybe we’re leveling off? [WTVF]
- We had a pretty close call today when a mobile home got stuck underneath the 12th Ave. South overpass that crosses I-40. We’re starting to notice a trend. [WKRN]