Happy Vernal Equinox, Nashville. As of 11:44am today (according to the eternally-accurate Wikipedia), it is officially spring. And with spring comes more things to do on the weekends. It’s inevitable! Anyhow, the weather is supposed to be great this weekend, so crawl out of hibernation for a few hours. Here are our picks for what’s going on around town:
- Free Rita’s Italian Ice (First Day Of Spring). Rita’s Italian Ice in Hermitage. We posted about it just this morning, but don’t forget!
- Whole Foods Chili Cookoff. Green Hills Whole Foods, 4pm-7pm. If you hurry, you can make it to Whole Foods at 4pm for a good old fashioned chili cookoff. A $5 donation gets you samples of all the different resulting chilis, which sounds like a great dinner to us.
- Free admission to Cheekwood. Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art, 9:30am-4:30pm (Sunday 11am-4:30pm). The last few times Cheekwood offered free admission, it was like, 20 degrees out or something. The sunny springtime weather is a much better time to check out the beautiful gardens at Cheekwood, and save $10 a ticket at the same time.
- Nashville Lifestyles’ 2009 Cover Dog Search. Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art, 1pm-3pm. Conveniently enough, Nashville Lifestyles is holding their 2009 Cover Dog search at Cheekwood, on free day! But don’t get all excited just yet, because entering your puppy in the competition will set you back $25 ($20 in advance). The winning dog will be featured on Nashville Lifestyles’ May issue.
- Tennessee Rep Presents Rabbit Hole. Johnson Theater at TPAC, showtimes here. Saturday is the opening night of Tennessee Rep’s newest offering, Rabbit Hole, but it runs through April 3. You may remember at the beginning of March when we posted about helping to save Tennessee Rep. The good news is that they were able to raise the $100k, which was matched by an anonymous donor, to save the organization… But they could still use your continued support. If you have to pick something to spend your money on, we encourage you to toss it in their direction.
- A.C. Newman with The Broken West. The Mercy Lounge, 9pm, $12. If A.C. Newman’s name doesn’t ring a bell, try The New Pornographers on for size. Though he’ll be flying solo on Saturday night, we’re still excited to see him play.
- Giant, Enormous, Bigger-Than-You-Could-Ever-Imagine Pillow Fight. Centennial Park, 5:45pm. You know you don’t have anything better to do with your Sunday evening. Canceled!
- Since there’s nothing else going on at all on Sunday, our friends over at Nashville Feed have rounded up some drink specials for a relaxing way to wind down the weekend.
Photo by Cabbage_Babble.
Related posts:
- Spring Starts With Free Rita’s Italian Ice [Freebies]
- The Weekendist: Full-Blown Fall Fest Edition
- The Weekendist: Even More Benefits (And Some Art) Edition
- The Weekendist: Flowers, Film & Roller Skates Edition
- Our Favorite Freebie Yet: Rita’s Italian Ice