- Weekend WTF: From the Franklin-based creators of the not-so-borderline racist Obama Waffles, we bring you Sarah Palin’s Kickin’ MOOSEBURGER HELPER–featuring some moose and snowflake shaped mac ‘n’ cheese. Best we can tell they’re not nearly as offensive, but then again, we can’t actually see the box. [Tennessean]
- Also WTF: Maxim Magazine is dragging its office from New York City to Franklin, TN? (Okay, so they’re leaving part of it up there.) We’re pretty sure Franklin will love that. [Nashville Business Journal]
- We can’t buy wine in the grocery store and now the feds say we still can’t get it shipped to our houses either.
- Tennessee’s voting tally is up to 806,607, but Shelby County is still killing us by more than 20K votes here in Davidson. Oh well, we’ve still got six more days to catch up. [Nashville Is Talking]
- Metro has issued a hiring freeze for however long it takes to get the money straightened out. Which could be a while. [WSMV]
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