Chihuly At Cheekwood Gets Encore, Free Day [Comings & Goings]

You’ve waited until the last two weeks of Chihuly at Cheekwood to check out the incredible, mind-blowing glass scultures of Dale Chihuly, and the rest of your October calendar is already filled with all sorts of pumpkin carvings, corn mazes, concerts and a spooky event or two. What to do?! The kind folks at Cheekwood took pity on the many of us in Nashville who have a nasty habit of procrastinating, and announced an Encore Week for Chihuly at Cheekwood from November 2-7. Chihuly will stay put for an extra week, and they’re even giving us the 2nd as a free “thanks to the community” day!

Cheekwood will be free and open to the public on Tuesday, November 2 from 9am-4:30pm. If you want to see Chihuly at night, you’ll still have to pony up the big bucks ($15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, $8 for kids). Chihuly Nights continue on November 3, 4, 5 and 6 until 10pm, and the final day of the exhibit is 11am-4:30pm Sunday, November 7.

Who’s going with us?

Photo by tncountryfan.