Thursday News Rodeo: Banding Together, Mask Protests and Purple Martins August 12, 2021August 12, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments A man was shot and killed after police say he left his vehicle and charged at officers with a knife early Wednesday morning. [...]
Monday News Rodeo: Flying Cars, Fake Vaccine Cards, and VR Cadavers August 9, 2021August 9, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments The delta variant of COVID-19 has put the region’s children’s hospitals on alert, as states with similar vaccination rates have seen a surge [...]
Monday News Rodeo: COVID-19 Hotspots, Bust on the Move, and Training Porcupines July 26, 2021July 26, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Southern states are becoming new COVID-19 hot-spots because of their low vaccination rates, prompting some public health officials to consider reinstating mask requirements [...]
Monday News Rodeo: Round 1, Shot for a Beer, and Mask Mandates Lifted May 17, 2021May 17, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments About 35 businesses around Nashville are participating in the “Shot for a Beer or Coffee” program to promote vaccination, where patrons can show [...]
Monday News Rodeo: Exit/In, Guitar Assault, and Camping Crime April 5, 2021April 5, 2021Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Exit/In is now under contract to a hotel developer despite an effort by the current tenant to buy the property, with the seller [...]