Thursday News Rodeo: Bonnaroo, Retiring Numbers, and Underfunded Arts June 13, 2019June 13, 2019Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments A late-afternoon building collapse in the Hillsboro neighborhood caused road closures and a lot of curious onlookers. No one was injured. Police are [...]
Thursday News Rodeo: Mayoral Candidates, Cell Phone Towers and an Expensive Typo March 14, 2019Stephen Yeargin 0 Comments Former mayoral candidate and owner of the Nashville Scene Bill Freeman says that he will not run for mayor later this year, ending [...]
Bright & Early: Haters To The Left Edition June 2, 2009Christy Frink 7 Comments Good morning, Nashville. We’ve been hearing a lot about all the state budget cuts (and local budget cuts, and school budget cuts…), but [...]
Bright & Early: Snip Snap, Snip Snap Edition March 3, 2009Christy Frink 5 Comments Good morning, Nashville. No drunk birds in the news this morning, but State Rep. Karen Camper (D-Memphis) did just file a bill pushing [...]