Nashville’s second ‘Thursday Night Throwdown,” a latte art competition that has come hither via our neighbors in Atlanta, will take place this Thursday evening. The inaugural Thursday Night Throwdown back in May was a smashing success, with 21 baristas, their friends, family, curious onlookers and a slew of photographers packing out Ugly Mugs to overflowing. This month, in a quest for more space and a change of scenery, Edgehill Studios Cafe will be playing host to the competition. TNT is free and open to the public, and latte artists pay a $5 entry fee toward a cash pot that is awarded to the winner. Registration begins at 7pm and the competition starts at 8pm [more info].
Needing an extra nudge out the door? This month’s Throwdown coincides with Edgehill Village’s Third Thursday block party, with live music, food and fun at many of the shops clustered at Edgehill and Villa. Wander around and browse, then head over to the cafe to watch some talented coffee slingers. We had a blast last time, so come join us this time around!