- 84 guns have been swapped out in exchange for tickets to TSU’s UniverSoul Circus. This includes 56 handguns, 16 shotguns and 12 rifles. [WKRN]
- Meanwhile, if you didn’t trade your gun in for a circus ticket, you can bid for the state’s last Elk Hunting Permit on eBay. [WSMV]
- Tennessee’s first swine flu H1N1 virus death was confirmed today at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which has officials preparing for a second outbreak this coming flu season. [WKRN]
- WSMV jumps at the chance to slam the Nashville Scene in their headline about the classy Green Hills lady arrested today for running a “massage therapy business,” wink wink nudge nudge. Apparently, she ran some print ads in the Scene, and that is clearly the most newsworthy part about this story. Thanks, WSMV! [WSMV]